Comments: (2)
Now that Mikayla has seen the video about properly changing a baby's diaper, she has been practicing on her My Little Pony doll, Rainbow Sherbert.

Mikayla: "Shoo-wee. That one was like an eighty."

Me: "An eighty?"

Mikayla: "Yes. An eighty."

Me: "What are you talking about?"

Mikayla: "I just changed Rainbow Sherbert's diaper and it was like an 80 stinky."

Me: "Wow! Is that a lot of stinky?"

Mikayla: *hands on hips, head cocked, eyes narrowed, brain thinking, "Are you an idiot?"* "Yes, an 80 is a lot. That's the top. 80. Jeez. Don't you know anything?"
Mikayla has been asking a lot of questions about the baby lately: "How will Jace come out?" "How did Jace get in there?" "Does Jace talk?".

Well, yesterday, she wanted to know how to change a baby's diaper. Cullen and I have been teasing her that she will have to take care of all of the poopy diapers. So, when she asked that, I told her that we were just joking with her and that she won't have to worry about that for a long time. But, still she persisted. I figured the best way was to show her. Since I didn't have any diapers have any diapers here, off to YouTube we went and found this video:

**Note: This lady does not like to say poop. BUT, she LOVES to say "mess" and "messy".**
**Note #2: I thought it was hilarious that she was blowing on the baby to dry him.**

Out of the mouth of Mikayla: "That must be a boy because he has a funny looking china."
Mikayla: "Only girls can have grilled cheese."

Me: "No, boys can have it, too."

Mikayla: "Then why's it called girl cheese?"
During my ultrasound appointment last week, Mikayla was in the room with me. It was a pretty long appointment as the tech had to take lots of measurements, but baby was bouncing around a lot. I was trying to hold very still so that she could get some decent pictures when the following occured:

"Mommy, how did the baby get in your belly?"

I'm sure my eyes got a little wide and I sneaked a peek at the tech, who was smirking, when I said, "Baby, we can talk about that later. I have to be still for the lady so she can talk some good pictures of the baby."

Mikayla just looked at me for a moment, clearly thinking about something, when she asked, "Well, can you tell me one thing?"


"Was it fun?"

The tech and I just busted out laughing.

Yeah, baby, it was fun! :)
Mikayla has seen this commercial a few times now over the past couple of weeks and each time has begged to get this for her birthday.

I think this is hilarious! If you ask her why she wants it, she comes up with a list:
  • "Because I want our brownies to stay square." Then I said, "But I don't ever make brownies." She responded with, "Well, you just put in the batter, put it in the over and put whatever you want on it."
  • "The brownies Gigi made and her friends were square. They probou ably had that tray."
  • "Maybe you will make brownies then."
Love her!
I trick-or-treated at Daddy's work. There was candy in a toilet - not a real one. And my cats are sweet and I like to draw. I like to play in the sandbox and I went to the park. We went to Mrs. Lucretia's house. I like to pet my cats and I like to pet mouses. I saw one at the museum.
I trick-or-treat at Daddy's work and I like to play to play with my friends and I like to pet mouses and my cats are sweet. Their names are Jolie and Gadget and I like to look at rainbows and I like to play with Matthew and I like to color.

I like to smell my flowers and I like to read and I like to pet my cats and I like to play with my Mommy and I like to build and I like to watch rabbits.
I trick-or-treat at Daddy's work and I played with Momma and I played with Daddy.

My kitties are sweet.

That's it!

We apparently didn’t get many pictures, but here are a few.

This was before we left. The cute little bows wouldn’t stay in her hair that day for some reason. She was very excited that she got sparkly eyeshadow and blush.


A little family picture. You rarely see these since most likely I am the one behind the camera. :) But, our friend Shawn took this of us.


Around this time I got tired of holding the camera (I couldn’t find the neck strap before we left), so this was actually taken by Cullen. The dude in the middle is not real and is a character from a game called Splinter Cell. This floor had lots of these stationed around and it was fun having pictures with the kids and/or adults.



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And, in the words of Mikayla, that’s it!

From Mommy: We went to Microsoft on Friday to go Trick-or-Treating. We were supposed to be there at 4pm, but as everyone on Twitter can attest to, the traffic was freaking crazy and we didn’t end up getting there until around 4:45pm. Even though at 3:45pm, I was right on the campus.

It was great seeing all of the kids dressed up and most people went all out for their costumes. There were a couple of shows: zombies doing the Thriller dance, Oompa Loompas, and a Haunted House. And, of course, candy! On to the commentary….

I got lots and lots and lots of candy. And, I put it all in my pumpkin. I got more candy.

I saw a spider and when I tried to get the candy it scared me. But, then I GOT IT! <Mommy Sidenote: one of the employees has a candy basket that was a spider. When kids would move to get candy out of it, the eyes would light up and the spider would move forward. It was pretty hilarious!>

I brought my puppy, Opal, and used her as Toto because I was dressed up like Dorothy. I liked the way she wanted to stay in the office and I liked all my candies.

We got to go with Ethan, Mrs. Cece and Mr. Shawn. We told everybody where the candy was. People put candy in pumpkins and little bags by their desk or doors.

The Haunted House was pretty scary. There was a Haunted Museum in the Haunted House. In the museum there was really scary stuff. <Mommy Sidenote: The Haunted House was actually two floors and we only went to a very small portion of it. The line was absolutely insane. We even skipped a whole section of it at the beginning because people were watching the Thriller dance and not the line. So we closed in.>

I think there were 100 million people there. <Mommy Sidenote: Sure as hell seemed like it.>

Okay, that’s it. Mommy said she will put on pictures later.