Mommy said that I should start telling you guys about my art projects from school. Mommy is going to type everything that I say, exactly as I say it. Okay, Mommy? <sidenote from Mommy - This should be very interesting!>

This is a bookmark that I made for Mommy. She likes to read. A lot.

This is a pumpkin patch. Well, the pumpkins have little leaves and a long vine. And some glue. Different kind of glue that you never saw before.

I wish Nanny could get on the computer. For real. Why does she keep doing the wrong things to get on the computer? Why? Mommy, stop typing. Why? <sidenote from Mommy - I answered, "Because her computer isn't working properly."> Well, she can use Poppy's. Poppy's works great. Maybe she wasn't looking in the camera right.

This is a shape that are made out of wood. And it has a long stick and a square. And one little shape. Painting it was really fun. And getting my hands all painty. The orange circles made a little L. To make the circles I used a big stamp.

This is my little pumpkin. I found it in the pumpkin patch at school. They made the pumpkin patch out in the lawn. It feels like an orange. I could not tell you about the ground! It had poop! Maybe it was dog poop. Yuck! Why would a dog poop on the lawn? Blech! I really need to find out who made the poop that was on the rug in my bathroom. <sidenote from Mommy - I will have to get Cullen to come on here and tell that story.>

What else?

I played in the kitchen and I used a different kind of telephone. It had a little circle and you put your fingers in the hole and move it back and forth back and forth. But, you can't do it all the way back and forth because there is a little line in the middle.

I played with my boyfriend. My new boyfriend. His name is Cooper. We played spiderman, we thought about playing vampires, and that's it.

I did not go on the swing at all because Sarah was on it for a long, long, long time. They wanted to stay on there forever. Even at night.

That's really it now. Bye!


Anonymous said...

I love your art projects. Are you going to carve your pumpkin? Dogs poop ont he ground because they don't use litter boxes like cats do, they use the ground. Their owners are supposed to pick up the poop and put it in little bags int he trash. I used to have a phone like the one you have at was called a "dial" phone and the numbers and holes were called the dial face. I miss you..and I'm so happy you are telling us about your day and your art projects. Love you to the moon and back. Granny

Aunt Stacy said...

Your art projects are wonderful. Maybe you could make me a book mark for Christmas. I love to read too. Every time I looked at it, I'll think about how much I love you. Miss you so, so much. Hugs & Kisses.

Mik said...

Granny - Mommy said that the pumpkin may be a little tiny to carve, but I told her that maybe we could find little scissors. She said we'll have to see. I miss Patches the dog, I loved to pet her.

Aunt Stacy - What?! I'll try to make a bookmark for you and send it to you like you send me things. I love you to the moon and Pluto and back.

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